Why are Consultants more Effective than Staff?
Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 8:00AM
Gary L Kelley in IT, M&M, managers, meetings

With the specific exception of consultants having skills and expertise a client needs and does not possess, we find staff can be more effective than consultants, and are often blocked from successful delivery by their own management.

Seeing this TED video makes the point about people working at work:

As a consultant I often find myself working in company cafeterias.  It allows me to “get in the flow” (or on the jazz) and get some work complete.


With the specific case of consultants having skills and expertise a client needs and does not possess, we find many staff are quite knowledgeable.

The can’t always be effective because of the M&Ms (Managers & Meetings)

As consultants we don’t have



In short, we are dedicated to a heads down function over time.

The same could happen with staff if they were able to be dedicated to a function over time.

So the question I ask managers is how can you let your staff have some dedicated time?

Meeting free Fridays is not the answer either.  These are simply used to get caught up on email.

What can YOU do to make a difference for your staff, or if you’re an individual contributor what do YOU need from your manager.

Article originally appeared on Gary L Kelley (http://garylkelley.com/).
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